Humoral Immunity - an overview ScienceDirect Topics The overall role of the humoral immune system in respiratory defenses includes protecting the lung against a variety of bacterial an to some extent, viral infections. Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immune Responses Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immune Responses. The inherent range of activity of antibody specificities is wide but proliferation of antigen-specific B cells occurs rapidly during infections leading to rapid increases in antibody titers with enhanced affinity for the inciting agent.
Adaptive Immunity Humoral and Cellular Immunity Previous Section Next Section. One group consists of antigens that are freely circulating in the body. Hu mor al im mu ni ty immunity associated with circulating antibodies, in contradistinction to cellular immunity.
A second group consists of self cells that display aberrant MHC proteins. Adaptive Immunity Humoral and Cellular Immunity Cancer and the Immune SysteHistory and Theory. The clinical implications of this role and the consequences of impairment in the humoral immune system are discussed in the section on defects in the adaptive immune system.